
About Brittany

Hello! My name is Brittany. I am your typical young mom, wife of a sweet, hardworking, man and lover of anything that has to do with style! I adore anything that has to do with hair, makeup, or clothes. No, I am not a professional, but hopefully that will change in a couple years. I have a huge passion for helping others feel beautiful inside and out! I am so excited to share the tips I have run across, including my favorite things and tips and tricks.

French Toast Easter Bake

We are excited to partner with Sugardoodle this Easter season to share with you several fun family ideas.  Since Easter is next weekend I wanted to try this yummy breakfast dish, French Toast Easter Bake. Collette from My Computer is My Canvas developed this wonderful recipe along with a scripture scavenger hunt and I wanted to share it with you.  

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Easy and Light Weight Travel System

“This post was sponsored by @GBChildUsa as part of a Blog Blast Activation for Influence Central.”

I have been searching for a new stroller and car seat combination that will grow with my baby, be easy to use and, of course, safe. I have found one at Babies R Us that I really love called the GB Lyfe Travel System from @GBChildUSA and I had to share. With my last child I had to keep buying car seats as he grew and they would never fit in my stroller. I want to avoid that this time. 

Love this travel system. So lightweight and grows with your baby.

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Natural Baby Wipes – WaterWipes

This post was sponsored by WaterWipes as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.


Have any of you tried WaterWipes yet? Wow! When I find a product I’m so impressed with I have to share it with all my mom friends. While shopping at my favorite store, Target, I saw them in the baby section and decided to try them after comparing the ingredients to the leading brand. In fact, I got two 60 count packs.

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Sydney’s Birth Story

It has been quite a while since I have written anything on our blog, but I wanted to document my sweet Sydney’s birth story.  I LOVE to read other birth stories and wanted to share.  My mom brain has been getting worse (am I right mommas?) So I wanted to write it down before I forget everything.

My due date was on July 15th, but I decided to be induced on July 8th.  I was so big and so swollen and I wanted to be done.  I was already dialated at a 2 and 90% effaced.  We were told to come to the hospital at midnight which seemed strange and I still have no idea why, but once we got there I got undressed and put on the hospital gown.  


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