


There are so many things I could say but I will just start with the basics.

Mother to 4

Grandmother to 10 (Yes, 10.  All under the age of 7.)

Former military wife.  We spent 15 years traveling around the world.  It was such a thrill to have seen so many places and meeting lifetime friends.

Crafter – Spent many years working in the craft industry and love getting together with friends and creating.

Lifelong lover of thrift shops, antiques, and yard sales.

Some things I need to work on………

I stay up way too late, drink Diet Dr. Pepper, I’m lazy when it comes to exercising, and I can be a little stubborn.

My Philosophy……

Everything happens for a reason…..

I believe we are put on earth to experience amazingly good things and to prove ourselves through the trials placed in our path.   There is a plan for me put in place by a loving Heavenly Father.  Every experience puts me in the place I should be.  I don’t think it’s an accident when I am able to cross paths with a new friend who has so much in common with me and feels like a sole mate.  I appreciate the hard things I go through and learn from all for a reason or something I need to learn.  I am sure there are blessings in store for me if I can endure.  I can already see the blessings of doing my best to pass these tests through my children and grandchildren.  They bring me so much joy.

Anyway, you will get to know me more as time goes by.  I’m thrilled to be working with my girls and so blessed to have them in my life.

Until next time……

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