DIY Gold Geometric Art

Did everyone have a wonderful holiday!? I hope so! Ours was just great! It was so nice to be able to be in Utah and have family so close by and not have to pack everything up to head to Utah and do the Christmas thing and then pack everything back up to go home like we’ve done for several years before. 

I have been seeing gold leaf art everywhere! Now I don’t have one of those amazing MINC machines although I would LOVE one, I had to figure out how to do what I want without one. So this is what I came up with. 

Jessicas camera 1152

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DIY Geometric Wall

I just have to say that I did not come up with this idea. I saw this on Vintage Revivals and I fell in love with it!!! I decided to do it in my girls room and now that it is done I REALLY want to do it all over my home, but I don’t think my hubby with be down with that. 🙂


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DIY Hemmeli Wreath

I think I have been living under a rock!
How in the world have I gone this long and not known about this amazing blog!

I mean she is so talented!!! (Gah! I have jealousy issues sometimes!!)
Well, I saw her tutorial on making this geometric hemmeli wreath and I absolutely fell in love with it!
hemmeli wreath


Hello Readers!

Hope you had an awesome weekend. We sure did! NOT!!

We ALL got hit with that flu bug going around and it’s still not over.  I have 4 kids staying home today.

Do you guys follow Maskara?

If you don’t you have been living in a hole! She is AMAZING!

Anyways, she posted this picture of some art in her office and I fell in love with it.


I wanted something similar for my twins room, so I came up with this.


I did it in gold, light pink and darker pink and cream. All I did was get some quarter-inch press board from home depot and got a yard stick and went around the board drawing lines in a star burst pattern.  Then I hand painted all the triangles in whatever color I felt like I wanted it to be. I didn’t paint every triangle; I skipped some so some of the wood would come through. Then I sanded it down a bit so it was a little muted and not so contrasting.

I really love how it turned out.  I know that sometimes I start a project and it turns out really crappy and I scrap the whole thing. Well, this one is a keeper!

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