Stars and Stripes Pant

It has been a wonderful, hectic, crazy week for me. I gave birth to our little man over the weekend and he is the most beautiful baby, but he is not ready to come home right away so with all that and my healing and hormones going whack, I am posting a project I did a year ago. (You guys will give me a break right!?)

 I really liked how easy it was to put together and I know I am the kind of gal that looks for projects that turn out cute but take the least amount of effort and time. So here it is… my stars and striped pants.

So I have been wanting some ruffle pants for my girls,

I mean they are so stinkin cute, but I was not about to pay $60.00 for an outfit!
I thought maybe I could do it myself.
Now I am NOT a sewer, I can do a hem and sew in a straight line and all, but that is it.
Growing up my sisters and I all got a sewing machine’s when we turned 14 (I think)
So I have had this machine for a while and I am so grateful to have it. Thanks mom!
This is what I came up with.
Chloe new outfit 071
The stars and stripes pant!!
I had a bag of clothes I was going to donate and instead of buying fabric I thought I could just recycle some of my old clothes into something adorable!

(I thought it was fitting seeing how it is Earth Day today. wink)
PicMonkey Collage
Chloe new outfit 032
I think they turned out pretty cute and when I make any more I will know what to do better. I followed this tutorial if you are interested in making your own stars and stripes pants.
 I ended up having a little extra fabric so I made a headband too.
If I can do this so can any of you!
Thanks for stopping by and reading!
Jessica About Jessica


  1. Avatar nogoommethalya says

    This post is beyond incredible.???? ?????? ?????

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