Make Your Own Indoor Snowball Fight


I have the cheapest, most easy neighbor gift EVER!

I’ve had this idea for my neighbor gifts. I’m not sure if I will go with it or not because most of my neighbors and friends read my blog and will know what their getting, but oh well, right!?

It will be a little time consuming making the pom pom balls, but I figured while I watch my shows at night I can be making these. I will be done in no time!

I bought the cheapest yarn I could find and started making the pom poms.

1. First you want to wrap your hand with yarn. The thicker you wrap the better it will be.

2. Slide it off your hand and tie a piece of yarn around middle of your bunch and knot tightly. 

3. Cut all your loops. You will end up with something like this. Don’t panic! Its supposed to look like this!

4. Start trimming. Grab a bunch in your hand and start to cut. Do this all around the ball. Don’t worry about going too short, the shorter the thicker it looks.



I thought making 4-5 balls per family would give them enough to make sure they could actually have a good snowball fight!

I put them in a paper bag and folded over the edge to make it cute and added the tag with some washi tape.

I included a printable for the tag, just copy and paste this to your computer!

indoor snowball fight


Jessica About Jessica


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  1. […] yarn in a coordinating color make a pom pom tail. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to do that. You can also use a large pom pom found in craft or fabric stores. Hot glue the tail to the back of […]

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