Where Hope Grows Movie Review

“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Godspeed Pictures, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #wherehopegrowsmovie http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV


Just a few days ago I had the awesome opportunity to screen a new movie coming out on May 15th. (Be sure to check your local theaters for showtimes and availability.) Every once in a long while a movie is released that touches me to the core and speaks to me. “Where Hope Grows” is one of those movies. It’s full of love, faith, hope, and friendship and touched every emotion I have. Don’t you love those amazing times when a blessing comes into your life exactly when you need it? I know these special moments are not just a coincidence, but are gifts sent to us during hard times. Watching this movie was that for me.

This is a story about Calvin, an alcoholic single father who is struggling with his past. He and a young man with Down Syndrome develop a friendship that is truly inspiring.


Here’s the trailer for the movie so you can get an idea of what it’s all about:

I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to tell you why I appreciate this movie.

I very much identify with Calvin in the movie. He is at a very low point in his life; so much so that he’s depressed, turns to alcohol, and pushes away the important things in his life.


Some of you know my son was diagnosed with Bi-polar Depression at a very young age. He struggled with the ups and downs of this mental disease and I hurt for and with him for so many years. Even with all the help from doctors, etc., I felt helpless and he lost hope. Three and a half years ago at the age of 27 he lost his hard fought battle with his depression. (If you’re interested you can read more about it here.)


The pain of losing a child was almost more than I could bare. I didn’t understand why something like this would happen to me. I was miserable. I closed myself off and lost all desire to do the things I normally loved doing. My hope was tested very much like Calvin’s. But, I knew hope was essential to my happiness and well being. Thankfully, I was surrounded by my beautiful family and friends who just loved me. Because of them I slowly remembered how blessed I still was and with my faith I was reminded that this experience was part of the plan that my Heavenly Father had for me. It continues to still be hard, but I’ve got so much “HOPE”. I’ve got hope and faith in my Heavenly Father and that I will be with my son again. I believe we are put on this earth to be tested with difficult trials. We all have them. It’s how we deal with them that makes us stronger or weakens us. The magnificent part is that we are not alone. God loves us so much and is with us every step of the way and our loved ones and friends are right there, too. Calvin was shown these things through his friendship with Produce. He gradually gained his hope again because of the tender and sweet love of Produce.

This movie was a reminder to me that I in turn need to show my love and support to those around me especially during their difficult times. Being a true friend like Produce was to Calvin is all we need to do. Produce is a hugger and many times that’s all any one needs. Love and friendship is a powerful tool.


I highly recommend this movie for the whole family. I would really love to know what you think once you see it. Feel free to leave comments below.

Check out the movie’s website for more information. You can also find them on:

Facebook – @WhereHopeGrows

Instagram – @WhereHopeGrowsMovie

Twitter – @WhereHopeGrows




Dru About Dru

There are so many things I could say but I will just start with the basics. Mother to 4. Grandmother to 11 (Yes, 11. All under the age of 9.) I am a former Army wife and we spent 15 years traveling around the world. It was such a thrill to have seen so many places and meeting lifetime friends. I spent many years working in the craft industry and love getting together with friends and creating. I have a lifelong love of thrift shops, antiques, and yard sales.


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