Christmas Symbols Advent

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It’s day 5 of our 12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop. Have you been following? I hope so. There are so many great ideas that have been shared. Be sure to go to the bottom of this post to see what the other bloggers are talking about. Today’s theme is all about Advents and I’m sharing my ideas for a Christmas Symbol Advent.

Christmas Tree Advent


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Christmas Gift Giving Traditions

I saw the cutest Dad with his four children in the dollar store last night.  The kids were buying gifts for their mom.  The dad told me it was a tradition and that mom would bring the kids to shop for him.  Then the couple will take each of their kids on a “Christmas Date” so they can buy gifts for their siblings and spend one on one time with each child.  How cool is that!  He was so cute with each one and not hurried or stressed.  He even gave each of his kids 50 cents to spend in the gumball machines.

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