I’ve been putting some thought into some Valentine’s Day gifts for the special people in my life. I think giving a small token of love is important on this fun day. Candy, or in my case chocolate, is always good, but how about giving a sentimental gift? They mean so much and are kept forever. For Christmas my daughter gave me this beautiful necklace of my son’s handwriting. It truly means so much to have this precious and sweet gift and will be something I will treasure forever. It has motivated me to put even more thought into the gifts or tokens of love I give.
I have a few recipes that were my grandmother’s that I treasure. I love the aged edges and that they are in her handwriting. Do you have keepsakes like this? Maybe some old journals or letters from a grandparent? Wouldn’t framed copies of your items make perfect gifts for your loved ones?
I made copies of these recipes as gifts to my girls. They are color copies on white cardstock and they are going to hang them in their kitchens. I am thrilled they are so excited to have these special old recipes from their great grandma.
Be sure to keep the originals safe and protected. I made copies for myself also to frame so I don’t damage or fade the originals.
I hope this gives you some ideas for any future birthday or holiday gifts you give.
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