Quick & Easy Word Banner

I love quick and easy crafts that make a big statement or add just the right touch.


For about $7.00 this fun Scrabble game has 55 letter cards that are double sided.  You can create any word or hundreds of phrases with just one box.  Plus, with just a few steps you can embellish them the way you want.


 Here are a few ideas.

I like to lightly sand the cards to take the finish off and give them more of an aged look.  


 For this Christmas banner I notched the bottom of the cards, added some glitter, punched holes in the tops and strung them on a ribbon. 


 Once the finish has been sanded off they can be spritzed or aged using a stain or paint wash.



Here’s a banner that has been aged with stain that I applied with a cotton ball.


Can you imagine the possibilities with these?  The nice thing about these cards are that they can be taken off your twine or ribbon and used for a totally different banner.

Dru About Dru

There are so many things I could say but I will just start with the basics. Mother to 4. Grandmother to 11 (Yes, 11. All under the age of 9.) I am a former Army wife and we spent 15 years traveling around the world. It was such a thrill to have seen so many places and meeting lifetime friends. I spent many years working in the craft industry and love getting together with friends and creating. I have a lifelong love of thrift shops, antiques, and yard sales.

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