DIY Gold Geometric Art

Did everyone have a wonderful holiday!? I hope so! Ours was just great! It was so nice to be able to be in Utah and have family so close by and not have to pack everything up to head to Utah and do the Christmas thing and then pack everything back up to go home like we’ve done for several years before. 

I have been seeing gold leaf art everywhere! Now I don’t have one of those amazing MINC machines although I would LOVE one, I had to figure out how to do what I want without one. So this is what I came up with. 

Jessicas camera 1152

I wanted to add a watercolor pop to it and I wasn’t sure how to add the blotches for lack of another word. I  didn’t want it to look like I had painted it, just that some watercolor paint had happened to spill on my canvas. 🙂 Now if you guys have a better way of making watercolor look like that, PLEASE let me know! Now don’t laugh at what I did! 

PicMonkey Collage

I added some water to my acrylic paint and mixed it up so it was watered down. I then used one of those saline droppers that you get from the hospital when you have your babies (You moms know what I mean. right!?). I sucked some up into the dropper and dropped some paint onto my canvas. 

PicMonkey Collage 2

I then let it sort of soak in and I soaked up the excess with a paper towel and then added more when I thought it needed it. I hope this makes sense. 

PicMonkey Collage 3

When my canvas was completely dry I added dots in random places with my gold sharpie. Then I connected the dots! Use a ruler for this; you want straight lines! You can add more dots and lines till you are happy with with shape. 

PicMonkey Collage 4

I did 3 8×10’s and I just LOVE them, I think the next time I do this I will make them larger! 

Jessicas camera 1152

Its hard to see in the picture but when the light hits the gold lines, it makes it look so cool!

This would also make a great gift for someone special! 

Jessica About Jessica


  1. I love it! The pink is so beautiful

  2. I wish I had known this sooner because it is so beautiful

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