Decorating Around A TV Over A Mantel

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Decorate Your Mantel

In my new home I have a large fireplace and mantel that I just love, but that’s where the TV is, too. I like that the TV and fireplace can both be the centerpiece of the room, but it’s hard to decorate a mantel around a TV. So, I’ve been checking around the web for some decorating options for this area.

TV Over Fireplace Mantel

Garlands are a beautiful addition to a mantel and can be changed out for different holidays. I also love the use of the sconces on either side of the TV.

Garland on a Mantel

Garland and Sconces

I like the idea of focusing on decorating the hearth rather than cluttering up the mantel.

Corner Mantel Decorating

 Focus on the Hearth

I think balance is key to decorating and this includes the mantel and fireplace, especially when there’s a TV.

Beautiful Mantel Decorations


In this photo the decorator uses furniture and accessories to change the focus off of the fireplace/TV and onto the room itself.

Room With a Fireplace

Change The Focus

Decorate the area outside of the fireplace instead.

Decorate Around The Fireplace

Decorate the Shelves Instead

Covering the TV with barn doors is an awesome idea.

Barn Doors Over TV

Barn Doors

Of course, keeping things simple is a good option.

Simple Fireplace Decor


I love this idea of framing a TV.

cottage style living room 3[2]

Frame Your TV

I’ve got lots of options in my mind now. Stay tuned for what I finally do. It’s going to be hard to decide on what I should do. What would you do with my fireplace and mantel? Here are some of my favorite vintage decor items I would love to get for my fireplace.

Unique Ways To Decorate A Mantel Around A TV


Here’s some other ideas you might like:

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Wood Bakery Sign

DIY Ladder

Wood Ladder Tutorial

Dru About Dru

There are so many things I could say but I will just start with the basics. Mother to 4. Grandmother to 11 (Yes, 11. All under the age of 9.) I am a former Army wife and we spent 15 years traveling around the world. It was such a thrill to have seen so many places and meeting lifetime friends. I spent many years working in the craft industry and love getting together with friends and creating. I have a lifelong love of thrift shops, antiques, and yard sales.


  1. Avatar Mark Lense says

    You came up with a very beautiful scenery near your TV. I also embellished the place a little and glued the LED strip. It’s good that when I started living in this house, TV was already connected to cinemax and I didn’t have to look for where to connect all the channels at a normal price. Recently I had to contact customer support at and ask them to send a master and connect additional channels. The next day they sent a master and he did everything in less than 30 minutes.

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