I have been compensated by Sundown Naturals® and Pollinate Media Group® for this post as part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Sundown Naturals® but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GoodnessGiveaway #sharethegoodness http://my-disclosur.es/OBstV
I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard others say, “I wish I had more time in my day”. Knowing me, if I had more time I would just fill it up with more unnecessary things. We all have busy lives full of important priorities and less important distractions, but is two more hours in our day the answer to getting more done? I don’t think so anymore. Here’s why:
Time is a gift and it goes by so quickly; we don’t know how much time we have on this earth. Time is something we can never get back and if we waste it, we lose it. I regret not using my time more wisely and not spending more time with my family and friends and building relationships. Please learn from my regrets and make the most of your time.
I realized that I hadn’t been keeping my priorities in order. In fact, the most important things in my life were often left to the end in order to make time for less important things. Not good! I learned that by focusing on my priorities and working smarter I was able to get more done in less time.
I spent many years trying to do it “all”. A job, kids, husband, church, and volunteer work kept me super busy. I also had a hard time saying “no” to anything that was asked of me. For the last two years I have been making some changes in my life and striving to simplify everything and make more time for the important things. Here are my suggestions:
Make a Plan
- I like to keep a bullet journal. Every Sunday I sit down and jot down five goals I’d like to accomplish in that week. This could include business goals, life goals, or someone you’d like to serve.
- I then create a list of things that I need to accomplish always keeping my priorities in mind. Then I number them in order of importance.
- I next decide what our menu will be for the week and make a bullet list for that, too. I usually create a shopping list of things I need at the same time.
- Keep a calendar handy. Don’t try to remember everything.
After writing things down I am able to sleep better because it’s out of my mind and written on paper.
In order to say “yes” to your priorities you have to be willing to say “no” to something else.
Self Care
This should be one of our top priorities. I learned this the hard way. Stress can play havoc on your body. I had gotten to the point of burnout both physically and mentally, but I learned to nurture and inspire myself in healthy ways. My goals are to:
- Take the time to exercise even if it’s only 15 minutes a day. This takes discipline because it can easily be pushed to the bottom of the “To Do” list.
- Eat better and drink lots of water.
- Take my vitamins and supplements. This is a must. I am loving the Sundown Naturals® Adult Gummy Vitamins. I take their Women’s Multi-Vitamin, a well-balanced formula full of vitamins and minerals a busy woman needs. I’m also thrilled with the results I’m seeing with their Biotin supplement that supports healthy hair, skin, and nails. I take Sundown’s® probiotics to support my digestive system and calcium to help maintain strong bones and teeth. Swallowing a bunch of large tablets was hard for me, but now that I found these in gummy form it’s a breeze to take my daily vitamins. A big plus is that they are free of gluten, dairy, and artificial flavors
. You can find them at your local Walmart along with other Sundown Naturals® Vitamins that you can trust for the entire family!
Interested in trying some Sundown Naturals® of your own? Pick some up at Walmart today and enter the Goodness Giveaway Sweepstakes! Purchase at least one Sundown Naturals® Vitamin product for a chance to win weekly prize packages and a grand prize! Weekly winners will win 1 of 4 prizes! A Fitness Pack, Foodie Pack, Free Spirit Pack or Yoga Pack! Simply upload a picture of your receipt here and you are entered for a chance to win some incredible prizes by 11/1.
- Resting and a good night’s sleep. Everybody is different in the amount of sleep they need. Not skimping on the amount I need has helped tremendously. If you too are looking for aid in getting a good night’s rest, be sure to check out the Sundown Naturals® Melatonin Gummies as they help support sound, quality sleep.
- Schedule in time every day to do something I enjoy. It’s not selfish to treat yourself to “Me Time”. I promise you will be better able to handle what life throws at you.
It’s OK To Say No.
- Only you know what is on your plate and how much you can handle. If it’s something you don’t have time for and isn’t needed to keep your priorities in line, let it go.
Instead of saying I don’t have time, try saying
It’s not a priority, and see how it feels.
-Laura Vanderkam
Learn To Multi-task
* Got a book you’re wanting to read? How about listening to it in the car while driving.
* Want to spend more time with a spouse on a daily basis? Meet them for lunch or, if possible, go home together for lunch.
* Need to some housework and make a phone call? Do them at the same time.
Learn The Love Language Of Each Of Your Family Members
Doing this will save so much time in showing your love and getting along with each of your family members.
- Some people need to hear affirmations like how much they are appreciated and what you love about them.
- Some like to receive gifts to feel loved. This could be a home cooked meal.
- Some like physical touch. Sitting next to them while watching TV or giving them a hug can show them love.
Break Up Big Projects Into Small Bites
- I find that if I have a large event or project coming up it’s easier to spend a few minutes each day working on it rather than procrastinate. This creates less stress, too.
Always Remember Your Blessings
- Stress is inevitable. It happens even with our best planning. I find that during a tough time if I will just take a few moments to just breath and think about all I have that I am able to ground myself again.
Reward Yourself For Your Accomplishments
- 15 minutes of reading or taking a quick nap is a nice way to tell yourself, “Way To Go”!
We are all in different seasons of our lives. Some of us will have more time than others depending on our age. We should live life to the fullest and not be bogged down by things that aren’t important or keep us from being focused on our priorities. We are all human and will have days where we don’t get anything done or just need a day of rest. That’s OK and it shouldn’t get us down.
I hope some of these tips will be helpful in getting you on your way to an optimal life. I would love to hear what you do to stay healthy and happy in your life. Please share in the comments below.
Disclosure: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Applies to all products manufactured after 5/1/15. Please check back of label as manufacture dates may vary.
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