Picnic Basket Tutorial

When the weather starts getting warmer I start dreaming of all the fun things I love doing when the weather is warm. One thing is going to the canyon or park and having a picnic.

When I was young my mom had a picnic basket made from a bushel basket and brings back so many good memories, so I decided I wanted one, too. I love how big this basket is and that it can hold so much. It has several pockets that are perfect for holding just about anything you need.


Here’s how I made mine:

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Picnic Caddy

A lot of our picnics and BBQ’s are impromptu and spur of the moment ideas.  We would grab our paper supplies and throw them in a grocery sack and off we’d go or we would take an arm load of supplies to the backyard and then when the wind would catch napkins, etc. it would be a constant chase around the yard.  Know the feeling?

I found this wooden tool box at the thrift store and decided it was the perfect size for a picnic supply caddy.


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