Wood Projects (Block Party)

Welcome to Bewitchin Projects Block Party Sundays.

A place for our creative friends to share and network with each other.  

We are always so inspired by you.  Thanks so much for sharing your fabulous ideas.

Be sure to spread the love by pinning and sharing your favorite projects, as well.


As your hosts we are having a blast and are thrilled to see all the amazing talent.  Our goal is to bring you even more fun, love, and exposure.  You will be seen on 9 blogs!!!!  So many people will see your awesomeness and each weekly party will ROCK!



TitiCrafty-Profile-Pic-NoLogo-500px Shonee Dru Trine OurMiniFamily
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Please show these awesome ladies your love by following them on their social media. I’m sure you are going to love them as much as we do.




I hope you are enjoying some fresh air and warmer weather this Spring. It’s beautiful here in Utah and we’ve taken full advantage of the nice weather.

It’s not a secret that we love old furniture or anything that has the appearance of a long history. I found two exquisite links in last week’s party that are items I would love to have. Take a look!

Week 37 Collage

Aren’t they fabulous?

Aurora Patina shows how they took a standard screen door and turned it into this amazing door that looks like it’s been around 100 years.


Vintage Screen Door by Aurora Patina

Could you just die over this Architect’s Cabinet? Oh I love it. Colour Saturated Life shows how she lovingly gave it a new life.

printers drawers

Furniture Makeover by Colour Saturated Life

I’m looking forward to seeing what is linked up this week. I’m always so inspired by what you create.

When you are featured feel free to grab this button and add it to your site!


Now, lets get to the PARTYYYYYY!!!

Just a few guidelines:

* Please follow your Sweet host. * Link up to your post, NOT your main blog. * Something made by you is a MUST! (No etsy shops, parties, giveaways or business links.) * Lets be fair. Visit other links and let them know you were there. Everybody loves kind words. * Please share this party on your social media channels. * Please grab the button and share it somewhere on your blog to spread the word about the Link Party. * Link up, make new friends, and most important HAVE FUN!!!

Be sure to also follow us on Pinterest to see a gathering of the projects linked here.

Dru and her girls!

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So, what have YOU been up to last week?

We are so excited! We can’t wait to see what YOU are linking up!!!

An InLinkz Link-up

By participating in this BLOCK PARTY, you agree to be added to Bewitchin’ Projects Block Party’s email marketing list. As a result, you will receive on average ONE email a week from Dru@PolkadotPoplars: a reminder about Bewitchin’ Projects Block Party we host. If you do not wish to receive these emails, you can opt-out at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the mail. You are also giving the permission to use your images to feature your posts and share them on the social medias.

See You Soon!!!


Dru About Dru

There are so many things I could say but I will just start with the basics. Mother to 4. Grandmother to 11 (Yes, 11. All under the age of 9.) I am a former Army wife and we spent 15 years traveling around the world. It was such a thrill to have seen so many places and meeting lifetime friends. I spent many years working in the craft industry and love getting together with friends and creating. I have a lifelong love of thrift shops, antiques, and yard sales.


  1. Hello beautiful ladies! Thank you for hosting such a great party! Please take a moment to stop by our party that starts on Monday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet your masterpieces!
    Lou Lou Girls

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