Hello Readers!

Hope you had an awesome weekend. We sure did! NOT!!

We ALL got hit with that flu bug going around and it’s still not over.  I have 4 kids staying home today.

Do you guys follow Maskara?

If you don’t you have been living in a hole! She is AMAZING!

Anyways, she posted this picture of some art in her office and I fell in love with it.


I wanted something similar for my twins room, so I came up with this.


I did it in gold, light pink and darker pink and cream. All I did was get some quarter-inch press board from home depot and got a yard stick and went around the board drawing lines in a star burst pattern.  Then I hand painted all the triangles in whatever color I felt like I wanted it to be. I didn’t paint every triangle; I skipped some so some of the wood would come through. Then I sanded it down a bit so it was a little muted and not so contrasting.

I really love how it turned out.  I know that sometimes I start a project and it turns out really crappy and I scrap the whole thing. Well, this one is a keeper!

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