Tuna Rice Supreme

This is one of my favorite recipes.  I’m not a big fan of the old-fashioned tuna noodle casserole, so when I found this one I was a bit skeptical.  But, please take my word for it this recipe is one of the most rich, creamy, and delicious tuna casseroles you will ever eat.  I also like that it contains items I usually have in my pantry.


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Grease a 9″x13″ pan.  In a large bowl mix together:

4 cups of cooked white rice (instant or regular)

2 cups finely sliced celery

2 TBL. minced onion

2 cans cream of mushroom soup

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

2 TBL. lemon juice

1 cup mayonaise (not salad dressing)

Gently fold in:

2 cans of tuna

6 large boiled eggs, chopped

Pour mixture into pan and top with crushed potato chips.  Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Give it a try!

Dru About Dru

There are so many things I could say but I will just start with the basics. Mother to 4. Grandmother to 11 (Yes, 11. All under the age of 9.) I am a former Army wife and we spent 15 years traveling around the world. It was such a thrill to have seen so many places and meeting lifetime friends. I spent many years working in the craft industry and love getting together with friends and creating. I have a lifelong love of thrift shops, antiques, and yard sales.


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