Christmas Countdown Candle

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Advent calendars and activities are so fun.  Here’s another idea that is quick and easy to make.

On my candles I used a number stamp and a Stazon Ink.  (Stazon will dry permanently where other ink pads may wipe off.)  You could also use a permanent marker and write the numbers on your candles.

Simple as that.  I put them in a beautiful bowl with rock salt.  Light on December 13th.

Advent Candles

Dru About Dru

There are so many things I could say but I will just start with the basics. Mother to 4. Grandmother to 11 (Yes, 11. All under the age of 9.) I am a former Army wife and we spent 15 years traveling around the world. It was such a thrill to have seen so many places and meeting lifetime friends. I spent many years working in the craft industry and love getting together with friends and creating. I have a lifelong love of thrift shops, antiques, and yard sales.


  1. I love this idea! So many of the Advent ideas I see on blogs are really complicated but this is definitely one I could do.

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  7. Tried this with a red permanent marker added a festive touch to my candles. Placed them in a silver tray with pinecones. Lit them on December 15th.
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  8. Avatar Stacy Gregory says

    That’s interesting. But I think we should put the big number at the top and gradually lower it to count down, right?
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